Bochy tells Nevin and Klesko to stop whining...
... but pretends to lecture the whole team. In this article, I found it most worrying that Kevin Towers is a wine snob.
Complaining about Petco Park last year, Padres hitters poured more "whine" than General Manager Kevin Towers has in his vintage collection that numbers more than 700 bottles.
I know we have snobs running this team, but could we at least try and down play that a bit?
Dex and I were playing some new XBox baseball game at Best Buy today. Man that is pretty fun. If I had an XBox and a ton of money I'd totally want to play that. They got some good graphics and it seems pretty easy to play. They also got some real up to date lineups. They even have minor league teams. Klesko looks real retarded though... which I guess proves how good the graphics are! Just kidding Klesko. Jeez.
[Don't let this guy fool you. He's got enough to get the exact setup they got at Best Buy. Reclining chairs and everything. -Dex]