Friar Franks Taste Testing
Well you've waited long enough for these pics and I'm sure they will satisfy your appetite. If you haven't read Dex's write up, here it is.
[Dex's note: I added my captions, but I got seriously bored late in the game, and they got real unfunny. Jbox, I'm sorry.]

Look at those uncooked hotdogs hitting the grill! Makes you proud to be a Padres fan.
[Dex's caption: Another day at the Vienna sausage factory]

Here's some of those super cool Pad Squaders. I didn't mean to protect their identities, but they are safe for now.
[Dex's caption: "So you like my headband?" "Yeah. You like my dimples?" "Ohhhhh yeah."]

The Weinerschnitzel guy is perpetually scared.
[Dex's caption: Try the tacos! Try the tacos!]

This lady brought her dog in a stroller. It was a little nippy out so he's wearing a sweat shirt. I thought these were pictures of hot dogs, not COLD dogs! hahahaha
[Dex's caption: Let's grill that sucker up too. It's a dog eating FRENZY]

There's the two different types.
[Dex's caption: There's the two different types.]

The friar looks hungry.
[Dex's caption: Somehow, I don't think they got this guy from Wienershchnitzle]

Grill 'em up!
[Dex's caption: The quickest way to get them to the polls? Grilled friggin' hot dogs.]

Ready to eat!
[Dex's caption: 4 bites away from a burning booty]
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